As I arrived to Gate 15 in Denver around 1:30, I noticed there sure were a lot of people waiting on a 4 pm flight. I had a seat and plugged in my iPhone for an afternoon of texting and Candy Crush. Come to find out the people on the 11:55 flight were still sitting in the terminal. As they began to board I thought I would see if it was full. If I get on this flight I will be home two hours earlier. Much to my surprise the agent said "yes just one, but you have to give up your good close aisle seat for a middle seat in the back" to which I said "that's fine, a little sacrifice that gets me home earlier." To the plane I headed, always preferring the back of the pack so I don't have to sit and wait on everyone to load around me. As I got on the plane I started singing Gary Allen "there's an empty first class seat . . ." For obvious reasons.
As I write this, I am being tossed around in FIRST class! I have not been in first class since my Pepsi days on Northwest Airlines, where we were always upgraded since we were very frequent travelers. Now by the time I post this for you all, the flight will be over, but the story is a good one. So how'd I get here? Well, as I approached my seat in the back middle I see that there is someone in it. Not a big deal, I will just sit in his seat. Well, thanks to Bryan S wanting to sit with his beautiful travel companion, Shawna got upgraded. Last girl on the plane got to walk back up to first class to the aisle seat I was still singing about. How awesome did my "sacrifice" pay off! It's the little things that excite me. And to think, Bryan was probably planning this switch long before I even go to the airport in Colorado Springs. Funny how things work out.
My flight was full of nice people. I boarded behind a lady and her three children. Each had a middle seat stacked in 16, 17, 18 and 26. You should have seen the men scrambling to offer their seats so they could sit together. I question whether they were being nice or did they not want to sit beside the children? We will assume they were being nice!
A side note, the elderly gentleman beside me drank 3 vodka cranberries then shifted to coffee with bailey's and read a book about Ben Franklin.
In summary, a delayed flight and my last minute change turned into Bryan's first class seat became Shawna's. I thank him for allowing me to hang out in first class for 3 hours with lots of elbow room, a pillow and blanket plus drink his wine and eat his lunch (maybe I should have offered him my PB crackers).
Oh and I have to say this flight was doomed from the beginning. It was 3 hours late, we had to go in a holding pattern and then when going in for a landing with gear down, the engines sped up and gear tucked away for a circle around Charlotte. Well, I am here.
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