Last Monday we began a new chapter. The boys said goodbye to their beloved Lizzie and began "school". As with any change there are challenges. The first day each went happily into their rooms curious to explore. H caught a glimpse of W across the gym and off he ran for his brother. Keep in mind they have never been apart. Lesson 1 for H, you cannot run away from your class without permission. Next up, lunch, or lack there of. H refused and still does a week later. The grandparents words of wisdom "no child goes hungry when food is available, he will eat eventually." His teacher said to give him about two weeks to adjust. Well, major adjustment #1 - no passie/binky, at all. I suppose that's a good thing, if she does not introduce it then she doesn't have to take it away later. With day 1 down I arrive to a content 2 year old that completely breaks down crying huge tears when he sees me. Poor little dude.
The second day H knew better and refused to go in his room while screaming. This is where we introduce the count: 1, 2, 3, kiss and pass. As W and walked down the hallway to his classroom he questioned why we were leaving H when he was crying. I explained that he would adjust and promised to check on him on my way out.
Wednesday and Thursday were much the same. Adjustments all around: Change of clothes in a zip loc bag with their names on the outside, initials written on each diaper, dirty little boys who obviously enjoyed playing in the dirt, and new songs/stories each evening.
Today seemed better, H walked to his classroom only yelling at me once when I removed the passie and W came home singing "read your Bible everyday" and a story about how to hug a porcupine (with marshmallows, of course)!