Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Greetings Friends and Family!

Greetings Friends and Family!

We turned 4 and 2 this year!

We took a few trips where we were in awe of the lighthouses in the Outer Banks

And loved hanging out with our friends at Disney World;

plus Mom got to go to Disneyland
(she said she was working, doesn’t look like it)
Daddy worked on a little remodeling project in the kitchen and we got to go to the Zoo;

then Mom and Dad wore funny hats at the Kentucky Derby
Mom spends a lot of time at the Ronald McDonald House of Charlotte and sometimes we get to go meet Ronald and play at carnivals;

this year Mommy and Daddy got to see Michael Jordan and Will was the model for the Annual Report cover!
We spent the 4th of July watching fireworks with Bubby, Sissy, Grandma and Mj; plus we got to SWIM
This fall, we ran through the pumpkin patch to find the perfect one
And Mom helped us take on the neighborhood in our first ever Trick or Treating experience, oh CANDY!

Several times Mom left us for the wind farms of Kansas and Texas, but we got to stay up late and eat at “Old McDonald’s” and the pizzeria, then Dad left us for “training” in NYC
Mom makes us watch the Razorbacks and Dad the Rebels and Cardinals; however, we prefer Nick Jr and Disney Jr
If you are ever over our way, we love to entertain and will take you to the park, just ask Uncle Randy and Aunt Debra, Uncle Wesley, or Papaw McCulough
Hope to see you all over the Christmas break!
Hugs (with sticky hands) and Kisses, Will and Hunter