Tuesday, April 19, 2011

2011 1st Roses

Will helped me pick the first roses of the year for our table.

The finish product:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Easter Bunny

If you know my child, you know he does not do larger than life animals, characters, etc. However, yesterday as we walked by the Easter Bunny in the mall he took a mental note of it. Then upon bedtime, he decided that he needed to go see that rabbit we saw earlier in the day and that he was not going to be scared to sit in his lap. All day he talked of this rabbit so we took him back to the mall. He continued to tell himself he was not going to be scared. Here's how it went . . .

The Approach

The high five


And that is all you get Mr. Easter Bunny

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Biltmore - The Boys

Oh yea baby, that's what I'm talking about!

That's yummy butter pecan

The best I could get, they were so distracted

Look Mommy! A LION

I think I need some sun

I love the tree!

The Biltmore - The Flowers

Yep - you see he's holding that one, what you don't see is him picking that one!

At the Biltmore - The Farm

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

A better shot of the sunset

Mac's Speed Shop

Beautiful Sunset . . .

and a beautiful boy


Yummy Chicken

The Labs love Will and Will loves the Labs

Rebel loves Will . . .

and Dixie loves the Hamburgerlar